The Environmental Rights Action/ Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA/FoEN) recently organised a one day Meeting to sensitise Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and women in Communities suffering from Oil Companies devastations. 
The Theme of the programme; "Strengthening CSOs Capacity to Challenge Voluntary Certification Scheme that Destroys Forests, degrade Environment and fuel Community Rights Violation was at the instance of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Edo State.
Barr. Chima Williams, the Executive Director of  ERA/FoEN in opening remarks said that the Organisation (ERA/FoEN) was committed to doing things that make them happy and also make impacts on the people. He reiterated that in the process of their duty, it is only the truth that is their watchword because it creates collaboration for teamwork. According to him, " We need each other at any level. No permanent friend, no permanent enemy, but permanent interest, which is the good of our people to make a better place".
He went further to say that ERA/FoEN does not engage in insults, but  real remarks and stick to them. He accoladed the Media for their accurate reportage and no speculations. He said that since 1993, there is no Company that ERA/FoEN have written about that has been able to challenge them.
He advised the Communities not to do anything that is libelous, that they should allow Law Enforcement Agents to do their work. He emphasized that ERA/FoEN encourage the right of the Companies to operate in the Communities, but they should not violate the rights of the people.
 He said that the strategy of engagement is knowledge sharing and that ERA/FoEN praise you when you are doing well and also condemn you when you go wrong. He appealed to the members of RSPO in the Communities not to compromise their positions that is why ERA/FoEN select those they work together.
   The Executive Director of  ERA/ 
    FoEN, Barr. Chima Williams in his 
    Opening remarks.

The Programme Manager, Forest and Biodiversity, ERA/FoEN who was also the Facilitator of the Meeting, Mrs Rita Uwaka gave a general understanding of what RSPO means.  She said that RSPO stands for Round Table on Sustainable Oil and it is the body that gives license to Oil Companies to expand when they meet the criteria to operate in in Community.  She went further to say that the criteria are targets the Oil Palms  must meet before the members of the RSPO in the Community will give them Certification. 
  The Programme Manager, Forest         Biodiversity, ERA/FoEN and the 
    Facilitator of the Meeting, Mrs Rita

She mentioned that RSPO is only for Oil Companies, that Milling Companies and Suppliers are members. She described it as a lucrative business and that is why the Oil Companies are taking advantage of it to exploit the host communities.
She also said that once the Oil Company is certified, the oil is deemed fit to go to any part of the world. It attracts International buyers. The Company may have access to international funding by the World bank, International Monetary Funds (IMF) among others.
Mrs Uwaka said that though the Company benefits a great deal from its operations, RSPO is not something to be encouraged because of its devastating effects it  has on the host communities. She gave some of the devastating effects as; pollution of the environment. This happened when the standard laid down for them to operate is not followed. They use substandard chemicals which ultimately destroy farm crops like cocoa, cassava, yams among others and it also affects the water sources which results in health hazards. Though certification is designed to achieve, regulate or prevent deforestation, there is no compliance with the policies arrived at with the host communities. They are not transparent or guarantee products. Certification ought to be independent,  but reverse is the case. The Certification body is not free from the plantation they certify  It is like sheep in wolves clothing. Imagine a Company like Presco hosting RSPO meeting in their office, it will be difficult for the community to speak freely of the negative impacts the operation has on the community.
Some members can be induced with contracts, stipends and they can even use divide and rule to continue to polarise the community.
The company comes up with what they called Environment Herpat  Assessment, a document containing the policies or mode of operation between them and the community.  The document will be so voluminous that members representing the Community may not have the time to read all through before putting pen to paper. Even the social amenities like health center they provide to the community are not equipped to standard.
Some members including women of the affected communities cry for assistance from ERA/FeEN and the CSOs to help prevail on Oil Companies in their domain to make life worth living for them. 
In his brief response, Comrade Omobude Agho, the leader of the Civil Society Organisations in Edo State thanked the Facilitators (ERA/FoEN) of the meeting and  said that the purpose for the Meeting had been achieved. He assured the concerned Communities that CSOs would follow them to confront the Oil Companies making life unbearable for them. He advised them not to be afraid because the matter is a case of no retreat, no surrender.


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