A One-day Electoral Dialogue on Gas Flare Penalties had held in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

Welcoming Participants who were drawn from Communities affected by gas flare, the Civil Society Organizations and the Media, Barr. Chima Williams, the Executive Director of Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA/FoEN) told them that Benin City is unique in the Campaigns to end gas flaring in Nigeria because according to him, "the first case ever filed in any Nigeria Court to demand for an end to gas flaring was at the Federal Court here in Benin City, in the case of Jonah vs Shell. That judgement was given on the 14th of November, 2005, exactly 10 years, 4 days after the  State murder of Late Ken Saro Wiwa".
L-R: Barr. Everest Nwankwo, Prince Barbs Preye Pawuru, Hon. Asonsere, Leftist Omobude Agho and Barr. Chima Williams (Members of Panelists)

He said that that judgement though still in the Court of Appeal formed the bedrock for the campaigns to end gas flaring in Nigeria. He went further to say that Omo n' Oba, HRM Omo n'Oba Edo Uku Akpolokpolo Erediauwa 1 also lent his voice on the call to end gas flaring and that these were unique positions taken in Benin City in addition to the fact that the Organization that led this campaign is in Benin City. It can therefore not be overemphasized that the Organizers of this Dialogue - Initiative for Community Development (ICD) and her cluster Partners did not make mistakes in choosing Benin City for it.
He urged participants to review the issue of gas flaring , the negative environmental footprints, health impact consequences and economic to as well as any advantages or potential opportunities in appropriate harnessing of flared gas.
He advised that participants to discuss with open mind with the understanding that they were all there for the good of their fatherland and he wished them well.
.        Facilitators and  Participants

Barr. Everest Nwankwo from ANPEZ, Port-harcourt gave overview of the Accountability for Gas  Flared and Emmission Reduction Advocacy (AGFAERA). He said that AGFAERA is one of the Programmes being supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through palladium under the Nigeria Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement (SCALE). It is being implemented by the Advocacy for Gas Flare Accountability in Nigeria (AGFAN) Cluster which is made up of 10 Civil Societies and Media Organizations and that Initiative for Community Development (ICD) is the Project Anchor. He reiterated that the goal is to improve accountability in Flared/ Vented gas volumes.
He lamented that over 50 years of discovering of Oil in Oloibiri , the Niger Delta is still where it is, no roads, no portable drinking water and the area is generally under developed. He made particular reference to Uzere Community where the people are afflicted with air pollution as a result of gas flaring. He said that the people dry garri with the heat from the gas flare. He talked about a proposal his Organization sent to the Joint Committee on Gas in the National Assembly where they suggested methods to be adopted to curb gas flaring.

Barr. Chima Williams answering questions from Journalists.

The Electoral Dialogue, Gas Flare Penalties, GHH Emmissions  and Nigeria's NDE Commitments was anchored by Barr. Chima Williams and Barr. Everest Nwankwo. The Panelists were Hon. Friday Ogierakhi, former member, Edo State House of Assembly, Hon. Asonsere Nicholas, Edo State House of Assembly Candi date, Prince Barbs Preye  Pawuru, President, Host Communities Network and Comrade Agho Omobude, Leader, Edo Civil Society.
Questions and Answer pattern was adopted for the Electoral Dialogue.
The Panelists all agreed that gàs flaring is associated with pains, sufferings and agony to the host communities.
They also agreed that there is massive corruption by the Operators and that appropriate penalties should be melted at anytime such abnormality is discovered.
They suggested that  Gas flaring and Gas venting should be made campaign issue.
They took a swipe on the Representatives of the NIger Delta at the National Assembly for their lukewarm attitude towards enacting bills that will give succour to the communities who are victims of the gas flaring.
They demanded adequate compensation and provisions of social amenities for the host communities.


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